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foods that contain magnesium

In a Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, 42 is the “Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything”. In my office, water and magnesium is the answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe, and everything. One molecule of magnesium is used every time a single muscle fiber in the body contracts; the heart to beat and the eyes to blink.

Headache? Take some magnesium.

Leg cramps? Magnesium.

Can’t sleep? Magnesium.

Swelling in pregnancy? Magnesium.

High Blood pressure? Magnesium.

I wish I was joking but I’m not. Magnesium is a go to in my house. If my son is ramped up and can’t calm down, he goes in an epsom salt bath. If he has a tumble on his bike or an ingrown toe nail he goes in an epsom salt bath. If my husband cuts the lawn and starts to feel overly exhausted, he gets magnesium.

There are probably dozens of different types of magnesium. I’m going to list out some of my favorite types and their uses.

Magnesium Malate is my favorite all around magnesium. I like Jigsaw Magnesium SRT. Magnesium, no matter how it gets into your body, is a salt. This means that what you don’t need is usually passed along in your urine. The goal is to slow down the absorption of magnesium so you can take up as much as possible, without compromising your bowel tolerance (diarrhea!). The slow release technology (SRT) in the Jigsaw product really does make a difference. We keep this in our house for hot days, stressful days, and I also suffer from heart palpitations and I take it daily to prevent them. Magnesium Malate is great in pregnancy if you are experiencing idiopathic swelling or swelling due to heat.

Magnesium glycinate/bisglycinate/chelated is great for neuropathy, insomnia, and anxiety. This is a more expensive but great option for pregnancy as well.

Magnesium Taurate is great for high blood pressure and other cardiovascular issues.

Magnesium threonate is great for PTSD, head trauma, depression, anxiety, and can be taken alongside other supplements to help in recovery from concussions.

Magnesium Citrate is ok, but there are other types that work better. The one area magnesium citrate really shines is as a laxative. If you are experiencing constipation, magnesium citrate is a great option.

Magnesium Sulfate is the fancy name for epsom salt and is great in a bath or as a wet compress over achy joints, mild skin infections, and isolated muscle injuries.