Natural Family Planning

Cotyledon Health

Natural Family Planning

Marquette Method NFP

Your fertility is a vital sign; as important and telling as blood pressure, pulse, temperature and respiration. Knowing your cycle can give key indicators to how your body is doing, outside of pregnancy.

Marquette Method Natural Family Planning (NFP) was designed for simplicity and straightforward information gathering, predominately observing estrogen and Luteinizing Hormone (LH) through a monitoring system, to help couples chart fertility and help them navigate delaying or achieving pregnancy. This method can be used in regular cycles, postpartum cycles, as well as special circumstances including PCOS and Perimenopause.

This specific instruction allows you to visit and revisit information as your situation changes. With video instruction you still receive email support from Dr. Sam for 12 months from your start date.

Marquette Method NFP

NFP General Information

Natural Family Planning (NFP) is the umbrella term for all methodologies of avoiding or attaining pregnancy while utilizing observations of various fertile signs throughout the menstrual cycle. NFP has been widely used in religious organizations but has become more mainstream in the past 40 years, as couples want to determine their family size without potentially harmful synthetic hormones, common chemicals used in spermicides, condoms, and IUDs. The original method of NFP was called “the rhythm method” and was based on assuming a fertile window in the middle of the average cycle length. Now, we have the advantage of very precise thermometers, tests for luteinizing hormone, tests for estrogen, and even wearable tech that help us determine our fertile window. The power of knowledge is in our hands; I’m going to help you put it together in a simple way that helps you navigate your fertility with minimal stress and effort.

Marquette Method (MM) is a type of NFP that utilizes the Clear Blue Fertility Monitor, or ovulation prediction test strips (OPK) in conjunction with another fertile sign, to minimize guesswork and optimize your fertile window for the most usable days with the most efficacy for your goals.

Before you begin:

Let’s figure out which protocol works best for you:

  1. Regular protocols are for people who:
    a. Have cycles between 21-41 days in length
    b. Have at least 3 postpartum cycles before beginning instruction
    c. Are not perimenopausal.
    d. Are postpartum but not planning to breastfeed.
  2. Postpartum protocols are for people who:
    a. Have given birth
    b. Are breastfeeding on demand
    c. Are breastfeeding throughout the night
    d. Have not had a menses since giving birth.
  3. LH/OPK protocols are for people who:
    a. Have cycles between 21-41 days in length
    b. DO NOT have an active PCOS diagnosis.
    c. Are concerned with costs of buying a monitor and associated test sticks
    d. Are not recently postpartum or have had at least 3 postpartum cycles after giving birth
    e. Have the capacity to manually observe one other fertile sign (cervical mucus or temperature)

If you are following the regular cycles protocol or if you are following postpartum protocols you will need to purchase a Clear Blue Fertility Monitor. They are available on Amazon and Ebay. There are 2 types of monitors; a digital touch screen and an “old style” that is non-touch screen. Both are great. You will also need the associated Clear Blue Fertility Monitor test sticks.

If you are planning to use the OPK protocol you will need to purchase OPK test strips. I like the Wondfo brand found on amazon and ebay. Make sure you are buying OPK strips and not pregnancy tests.

In either case it is helpful to have everything you need before you begin instruction, because there’s a tactile component of familiarity with the monitor that makes things easier.

What instruction provides:

The instructional videos provide you basic instruction. You are welcome to watch and rewatch. You can also come back at any time within 12 months and revisit something if you forget or your situation changes.

After you watch your instructional videos, I will reach out via email to see if you have any questions and then for a while I will email you to make sure everything is going smoothly. You are welcome to reach out at any time with questions via email. I’m happy to help; my goal is for you to have confidence in your methodology. If you have confidence in your methodology you are more likely to use it! Then everyone wins!